
Last updated: 1Β year, 7Β months ago

A flexible course that offers students the chance to study anything from abstract logic to black holes.

Course Resources

Here are some general resources related to Maths.


Overview πŸ”— This is the Maths section of the University undergraduate prospectus. The most important information about the course is here, including entry requirements, course structure, and prerequisites.

Faculty website πŸ”— This is the official Faculty webpage for prospective undergraduates, which links to various resources, including the full list of undergraduate courses πŸ”— 🌟.

Unofficial Prospectus πŸ”— This is an unofficial prospectus put together by the Cambridge University Student Union; it’s written based on students’ perspectives and gives a better sense of what the day-to-day experience as a Maths student is like, compared to official materials.

More things to explore

Faculty of Mathematics Guide to Admissions πŸ”— 🌟 A thorough overview of the course, modules and admissions process.

nrich maths πŸ”— Have a look at these free online mathematics
resources designed to help students develop mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Studying Maths at Trinity College πŸ”— 🌟 A great interview with Professor Imre Leader from the Department of Mathematics.

CambTweet Maths πŸ”— 🌟 Follow the daily life of a current Cambridge Maths student through this Twitter account!

Application Resources

Reading List πŸ”— This list of interesting mathematics books and internet sites is mainly intended for sixth-formers planning to take a degree in mathematics. Don’t be intimidated by how long it is; honestly no one reads everything anyway.

Pre-admission workbook πŸ”— Produced a few years ago by the Faculty of Mathematics, this problem set might help with refreshing your memory over the summer before starting university.

Practice questions πŸ”— Lots of questions that might be similar to those in your admissions tests/interviews.

TBO's Problem Solving Book πŸ”— 🌟 151 practice questions aimed at Maths applicants. The solutions can be viewed here πŸ”—.

How to apply πŸ”— 🌟 and FAQs πŸ”— Some useful answers to common questions about the application process.

Admissions test information πŸ”— Have a look at the Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP), which is the Maths admissions test for Cambridge.

InsideUni Maths interview experiences πŸ”— 🌟 Current students talk about their interview experience, as well as sharing some tips. We’re biased, but we think they’re useful!