International Students

This is a page about resources for international applicants.


iCUSU 🔗 - iCUSU is the umbrella body for all international societies and students in Cambridge University. They aim to serve as a hub for all things international happening in Cambridge, whilst looking out for the needs of internationals. Follow them on Facebook!

International Students' Guide 🔗 🌟 - iCUSU's International Students' Guide. Check it out for all sorts of useful information!

International Events 🔗 - The University of Cambridge attends some events overseas and for those that are not able to attend but want to find out more, they can sign up for the international webinar series, which provides information on a range of topics relating to applying to and studying at the University as an international student.

Each colleges have their own International Student group, organized by its college rep. Reps can offer you help regarding international student-specific concerns, as well as organize events such as socials and swaps. Feel free to get in touch with them and join the international community at your college.

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