Computer Science

Last updated: 1Β year ago

A course on the cutting edge of its research, but with the university’s unique focus on the theoretical side.

Course Resources

Here are some general resources related to Computer Science.


Overview πŸ”— A good overview of the course from the Department of Computer Science with an outline of its structure and options.

More detail on admissions πŸ”— 🌟 This provides information on typical offers for the course and subject requirements.

Alternative Prospectus πŸ”— This is an unofficial prospectus put together by the Oxford Student Union; it’s written based on students’ perspectives and gives a better sense of what the day-to-day experience as a Computer Science student is like, compared to official materials.

More things to explore

The first year of the course covers the basic algorithmic skills required to understand the building blocks of code, progressing later to specialisation in fields such as quantum computing and artificial intelligence.

Faculty YouTube video πŸ”— A YouTube video produced by the Computer Science department about the course.

Computer Science group projects πŸ”— 🌟 A couple of students discuss the practical projects they completed as part of the undergraduate course.

Application Resources

Computer Science admissions page πŸ”— Check out the Maths Admissions Test (MAT) and Interview tabs on the left hand side, as well as the student experiences.

Maths Admissions Test information πŸ”— All applicants to Computer Science courses are required to take the Maths Admissions Test (MAT).

Preparatory Reading List πŸ”— The first section in this list contains some ideas for background reading recommended for students considering applying for the course. There is also this section πŸ”— intended for offer-holders in preparation for starting the course, based on first-year reading lists.

FAQ πŸ”— 🌟 Some useful answers to common questions about the application process.

Sample interview questions πŸ”— Remember that it is very unlikely that these exact questions will come up in your interview, but these should give you an idea of the kinds of questions to expect.

InsideUni Computer Science interview experiences πŸ”— 🌟 Current students talk about their interview experience, as well as sharing some tips. We’re biased, but we think they’re useful!