Economics and Management

Last updated: 1Β year, 6Β months ago

Economics and Management is a highly dynamic and intellectually stretching course, designed for students interested in the interactions between markets and consumers.

Course Resources

Here are some general resources related to Economics and Management.


Overview πŸ”— The first place to check out is the official university page for entry requirements, course structure and more.

More detail on the course πŸ”— This is the official Faculty webpage for prospective undergraduates, which links to various resources. The most important of them is the course handbook πŸ”— 🌟 which provides more information on paper choices and options for specialisation within the course.

Alternative Prospectus πŸ”— The alternative prospectus is a great way to learn more (informally) about the course.

More things to explore

Q&A with an Oxford Economics and Management student πŸ”— A current Economics and Management student at St Edmund Hall, Oxford, answers questions about the application process and course.

'Oxford from the Inside': Economics and Management πŸ”— 🌟 Part of a student-produced series aiming to shed light on the realities of studying at Oxford.

Application Resources

Reading List πŸ”— 🌟 This sample reading list will help you get a general gist for type of academic content you will be studying, but don’t worry about reading it for your interview. Further reading lists for economics πŸ”— and management πŸ”— can be found here.

Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) information πŸ”— 🌟 All students applying for Economics and Management must take Section 1 of the TSA. This website gives you information about the test, how to register, and practice materials.

Interview advice video πŸ”— 🌟 Current student Kanika talks about how she got into Oxford for Economics and Management.

Mock Interview πŸ”— 🌟YouTube videos can also be a helpful avenue to learn more about the interview process.

Economics mock interview πŸ”— A slighter more recent mock interview produced by Jesus College, Oxford.

Example interview questions πŸ”— You can also find sample interview questions here. It is very unlikely that these exact questions will come up in your interview, but this may give you an idea of the types of questions you may be asked.

InsideUni Economics and Management interview experiences πŸ”— 🌟 Current students talk about their interview experience, as well as sharing some tips. We’re biased, but we think they’re useful!