
Last updated: 4 years, 5 months ago

Linguistics is the scientific study of language. We study how language works, the evolution of languages and the learning process for both first and second language acquisition.

Application Resources

Here are some general resources related to Linguistics. These should be a useful introduction, regardless of which Linguistics related course you’re interested in and where you might want to study it.


Podcasts are a great introduction to Linguistics. Listen while you’re doing the dishes or on a walk, and if anything sparks your interest, follow it up afterwards. The process of using a ‘source’ such as a lecture or podcast, and then researching anything interesting, contradictory or surprising that it mentioned, is a key part of being a student. This could also come in handy as evidence of interest and curiosity on your personal statement.

BBC Radio 4’s ‘Word of Mouth’ podcast 🔗 This podcast is an accessible way to hear about some mainstream ideas in linguistics.

Lingthusiasm 🔗 A classic introduction to loads of linguistics topics. Will help you develop ‘lingthusiasm.’

History of English Podcast 🔗 A podcast doing what it says on the tin - gives a good overview of the history of the English language.


Similar to podcasts, videos are an easy way to get thinking about linguistics. Take notes as you go and follow up anything that the videos make you think about - via Google, linked videos or connecting ideas with reading you’ve previously done. This process of making connections is good for your thinking skills, which will help with the application process - both as something you can evidence in your personal statement, and which will come across in interviews.

The Ling Space 🔗 A YouTuber with an impressive number of views (as far as linguistics is concerned anyway).

TrevTutor 🔗 Useful introduction guides to many topics within linguistics.

Online Courses

Free online courses are a great way to expand your knowledge, and get a taster for life as a student. They can help you find areas of particular interest, and guide you through the process of studying & thinking independently.

Miracles Of Human Language 🔗 An online course giving you insight into studying linguistics. One of the larger commitments on this list but definitely worth it.

Language Resources

Have a look at these sites to get a feel for the fun that is linguistics! This is useful for building up your knowledge of what linguistics involves, and for getting a sense of whether you enjoy the challenges of the subject.

Free syntax textbook 🔗 Linguistics undergraduates love this resource as much as Brits love tea.

Glottopedia 🔗 A free online encyclopedia full of linguistics fun.

Reading Lists

This reading list highlights some books and articles you might want to read before starting at university. Take notes as you read and follow up on anything you don’t understand; these books will ground you in linguistics as an academic discipline.

Cambridge Linguistics Preliminary Reading List 🔗 🌟 A great place to start for what to read.