
Last updated: 1Β year, 6Β months ago

Psychology is the multifaceted science of mental life, and addresses such questions as: how do we perceive colours? How do children acquire language? What predisposes two people to get along?

Application Resources

Here are some general resources related to Psychology. These should be a useful introduction, regardless of which Psychology related course you’re interested in and where you might want to study it.

Introductions to Psychology at university

Have a read through to get yourself familiar with what Psychology is, and to help you decide whether it is the right course for you.

Psychology UCAS page πŸ”— 🌟 As well as providing comprehensive information about studying Psychology at university level, this page allows prospective applicants to chat to current Psychology students.

'Why you should or shouldn't study Psychology' πŸ”— A list of pros and cons which might be useful to consider before applying!

Online Resources

These resources are great for finding out more about the subject. Explore these sites and follow up anything that catches your eye. This is useful for developing your subject knowledge, giving you more of a sense of if psychology is right for you - and if you follow up on these introductions, then could form part of your personal statement.

HE+ Psychology πŸ”— 🌟 A really useful resources for finding out more about studying the subject at university level.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) πŸ”— This website compiles a wide range of information about psychological research and study, as well as hosting regular events.


Articles are a great way to get a sense of what you’d be reading about at university. Take notes and read more (via Google or references) if you find something interesting or confusing.The critical engagement this encourages will develop your thinking, which will come in useful during interviews and admissions test if applicable, and could be part of your personal statement too.

Scientific American - Mind & Brain πŸ”— An American magazine focusing on psychology and neuroscience.

Nature journal πŸ”— A world-leading journal which has sections on psychology, neuroscience and human behaviour

BPS Research Digest πŸ”— 🌟 Providing easily-accessible articles about recently published psychological studies. They are also useful if you want some up-to-date research for your personal statement or to talk about in interviews!


Listen to podcasts about psychology to stay up to date with what is interesting psychologists now. Follow up on anything that interests you - again this is a good process that can lay the groundwork for your personal statement.

Hidden Brain podcasts πŸ”— These are psychology-related podcasts of varying lengths which feature interviews with psychologists and are always very topical.

The American Psychological Society’s podcasts πŸ”— Episodes include the psychology of racial privilege; remote working; and even better sleeping!