This admissions test is taken for some Oxford courses.
Last updated: 1 year, 6 months ago
The TSA forms a key part of the admissions process for many courses at Oxford. It is a challenge. But it doesn’t need to be daunting. With a bit of preparation, you can familiarise yourself with the TSA and get ready for the exam - and maybe even improve your thinking skills a bit in the process!
Here are some general resources related to the Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA). Use this page as a hub to branch off and use other resources!
The Thinking Skills Assessment is a paper-based test, divided into two parts: a 90-minute, multiple-choice Thinking Skills Assessment and a 30-minute writing task. Information from the Oxford Undergraduate Admissions website can be found here 🔗 🌟 and from the official TSA website here 🔗 🌟.
The TSA registration date this year is between the 1st of September and the 29th of September 2023, and the UCAS deadline is the 16th of October 2023. The TSA test date is the 18th of October 2023.
If you are applying for one of the following courses at Oxford, you will be required to take both sections of the TSA: Experimental Psychology 🔗 | Human Sciences 🔗 | Philosophy, Politics and Economics 🔗 | Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics 🔗.
However, if you are applying for either Economics and Management 🔗 or History and Economics 🔗 you will be required to take only Section 1.
Section 1 is made up of 50 multiple-choice questions and aims to assess the following: problem-solving skills, including numerical and spatial reasoning; critical thinking skills, including the ability to understand an argument; and the ability to reason using everyday language.
Section 2 is a writing task that seeks to evaluate a candidate’s ability to organise ideas in a clear and concise manner, and communicate them effectively in writing. Questions are not subject-specific and candidates must answer one question from a choice of four.
(Source 🔗 Accessed: 18/07/2023)
You need to be registered separately to UCAS. Please check the details and dates here 🔗.
TSA Introduction and Past Papers 🔗 🌟 Visit this page to find out more about the basics, like what this test is and if you’ll have to take it.
TSA Support Workshop webinar by Jesus College, Oxford 🔗 🌟 An introduction to the types of questions you may face in the TSA, along with suggestions on how to tackle them.
TSA FAQs 🔗 Have any questions? They might be answered here…
TSA Specimen Paper 🔗 🌟 Try taking this specimen Section 1.
Explained answers to TSA specimen paper 🔗 🌟 Then go through your answers, right and wrong, and compare your reasoning to the explanations here.
The TSA does not require a lot of learning and memorisation. In this way, it is not like an A-level. Content is not king; what matters is your ability to think quickly. You can improve this ability and prepare to exercise it within the specific constraints of the TSA, but you can’t really revise (study) for this test like you might for normal academic exams.
Probably, the best preparation is to take past papers in timed conditions, and then carefully go through your answers. Some people find it useful to note down the errors that they have made along the way.
Here are some other things you could look at to try to improve your score.
TSA question guide 🔗 This document is very useful. It gives a worked example of each type of Problem Solving and Critical Thinking question you will come up against in Section 1, as well as explaining the ‘mathematical knowledge and skills needed’ (on page 9). The maths you need isn’t advanced, but this list is worth checking if you haven’t done maths for a while.
Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) Critical Thinking videos 🔗 These videos provide a fun and straightforward introduction to critical thinking, and may be useful in developing the skills you’re being tested on in the Critical Thinking questions.
‘How to Beat the TSA!!’ (Jesus College Oxford) 🔗 🌟 Dr Matthew Williams explains what the TSA is and why it exists, as well as providing some tips on how to do well in this test.
The TSA past papers available online should give you more than enough practice material, but here are some others if you yearn for yet more!
BMAT Section 1 🔗 The newer BMAT papers are closest in format to the TSA.
If you want even more questions, then you could try
For most courses at Oxford (but not all), you will also have to write a 30-minute essay as part of your TSA. It does not seem to be as important as Section 1, but it’s an unusually short amount of time and so probably worth practising if you get the chance. The content of your essay does not need to be incredible. The most important thing is to have a clear, logical structure.
Here are some resources to help.
TSA Writing Task Guidelines 🔗 🌟 This is a brief introduction to the writing task, written by Cambridge Assessment, which is a test of skills.
TSA Section 2: the half-hour essay 🔗 This document answers some questions about the essay section, as well as discussing three essay questions.
‘Write a Perfect TSA Essay!!’ (Jesus College Oxford) 🔗 Dr Williams has experience marking this section. Here is his advice on how to tackle it.
‘Admissions Test: How to write a timed essay’ (Jamie Miles) 🔗 🌟 This entertaining video provides a student’s perspective on how to tackle the essay section.
Here are some more ideas that might be useful. But remember that they’re just personal opinions, so don’t take them too seriously :)