Cambridge, Pools and What To Do

Tu Duong
Created: 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Last modified: 3 months, 3 weeks ago

“Cambridge is Cambridge,” a phrase you will hear at least once somewhere, and it usually follows a conversation about ‘being pooled’.

What is pooling?

Pooling is an Oxbridge system through which an applicant can end up in a college that is different from that they applied to or interviewed with. In Cambridge, there are two instances where this can happen – in late December, early January or following August’s Result Day. These pools ensure that the best applicants get the offers, regardless of the college they applied to or were allocated to.

What happens in the Cambridge pool?

What if the college that you interviewed with may be over-subscribed and can’t offer you a place, but they think that you are a strong applicant? They will put you into the ‘pool’ and other colleges’ Admission Tutors and Directors of Studies can review your application and compare it with the applications that they received. The results can be some applicants being asked to attend another interview (this may be rare), offered a place at another College or they may be unsuccessful.

There is also a smaller pool in August for applicants who missed their offers by a grade. Following the morning of Results Day, applicants can submit their Statement of Results to the college that gave them the offer and another college might give you an offer.

Are there any disadvantages to being pooled?

The short answer is ‘no’. All applicants once they receive their offers are treated all the same (and I quote this from my Senior Tutor). You have made it to Cambridge, and you just need to work hard to achieve the necessary grades. There might be disappointments, but most Cambridge students are content with where they end up (it might just be that you are now a lot further away from your faculty), and the college where you end up will eventually feel like home.

For the Summer pool, the wait following Results Day can be overwhelming with emotions and uncertainty. There is that bit of hope but also a fear of the worst-case scenario. Still, missing your offer by only a grade on a Cambridge requirement would leave you in a good position for other universities, and it is still worthy of celebration. Going out for a walk, a meal or getting on a call with your friends would be a well-deserved prize for all your hard work.

Make the best out of where you end up, it is knowing that you tried your best that counts!