There are multiple things you should consider before you start buying things you think you will need. The first would be: what your university accommodation provides. Your accommodation will provide you with a list of items that they will provide each room, I would first look at this list, so you don’t end up bringing things that are already in the room. For example, some accommodations will provide clothes hangers, but you probably will still want to bring some more of your own as there might not be enough. Secondly, whether your accommodation is catered or self-catered will affect your packing journey. Unfortunately, it tends to be the case in Oxbridge, that if you are in catered accommodation, your kitchen spaces will be very small, if they exist at all. So, if you are in catered accommodation, you can probably forsake the cooking utensils altogether. Thirdly, if you live in your college, as a lot of freshers do, you will most likely have to move out at the end of each term, so the prospect of having to pack up your entire wardrobe and life every 8-9 weeks will get tiring, I promise you. Therefore, packing your wardrobe according to seasons during the term will be a time-saver, and you won’t miss your summer tops and shorts in the middle of winter! Fourthly, if you are going to be sharing a bathroom with multiple people, it will probably help to buy a little shower caddy so you can carry your shower stuff easily back and forth from the bathroom.
There are some things that are extremely useful at university. The first would be a kettle, especially if you don’t have proper kitchen facilities, it is great for last-minute or late-night meals, think pot noodles, or just making some warm drinks if you get hit by freshers’ flu. A first aid kit also comes in use, it’s better to have some plasters or painkillers on hand instead of having to run to the nearest supermarket. Decorations for your room are also nice, you never know what your room will look like but décor like a few cushions and some posters and photos will never go wrong and will make it feel more like home. Having lots of mugs could also be counted as an essential – great for when you want to host pres (pre-drinking before going out) in your room or you just want to invite people over for a cup of tea and a chat. Finally, on a more random note, bring whatever random dressing-up items you have at home, silly sunglasses or parts of old Halloween costumes because these will definitely come in use for some last-minute bop outfits!
Finally, something that usually doesn’t get used when you get to university is lots of work folders. Usually, a lot of your work will be on your computer and most people find that they only use maybe one or two folders.
However, whatever works for you when packing for university will be great and good luck to everyone for the next academic year!