Interview Insights: Cambridge

Here's our database of first-hand student interview experiences. You can also watch students talk about other aspects of university in our student videos.


Emmanuel (2016)

The personal statement interview was tricky - a few times one interviewer kept asking me the same q…

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Queens' (2016)

In the first interview I had been given 3 sources on some medieval battles (I think!). I was asked …

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Sidney Sussex (2014)

Some of the questions were tailored to the written work I had already sent, including an essay on t…

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Sidney Sussex (2015)

The sources were all 17th century writings on education. They weren't that hard to understand as th…

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Robinson (2016)

My first interview revolved around a discussion of my personal statement, which my interviewer esse…

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Gonville & Caius (2018)

All of my interviews at their core had a set of visual or data-based historical sources. I had to s…

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* Despite interviews being online this year, the experiences and advice from previous years will still be relevant.