1x interview (30 mins, 2 interviewers), 1x test
Talked about pre-submitted essay; SAQ answers; unseen text analysis in test
Practicing interview style-questions; reading personal statement; The Student Room
Remember this advice isn't official. There is no guarantee it will reflect your experience because university applications can change between years. Check the official Cambridge and Oxford websites for more accurate information on this year's application format and the required tests.
Also, someone else's experience may not reflect your own. Most interviews are more like conversations than tests and like, any conversation, they are quite interactive.
Interview in December. Firstly, I had one interview lasting about half an hour. This involved discussing answers from my
After this, I had an hour or so's break, and then had a
Discussed an essay I had sent in before hand on Dr Faustus. The interviewer was a specialist in Marlow and so the questions asked were quite detailed and complex. They also asked about some of the answers I had given in my
Also very important to read through your personal statement before interview, particularly for humanities subjects, so that its fresh in your mind and youre able to elucidate on/ clarify/ expand on any of the points or arguments you made if these are brought up at interview.
Student room was also very helpful for getting an idea about how the interview day would be structured.