2x interviews; 1x test (1hr)
French: A level subjects, read poem; German: personal statement, chat in German
Talking to current students is useful if possible
Don't overanalyse after!
Remember this advice isn't official. There is no guarantee it will reflect your experience because university applications can change between years. Check the official Cambridge and Oxford websites for more accurate information on this year's application format and the required tests.
Also, someone else's experience may not reflect your own. Most interviews are more like conversations than tests and like, any conversation, they are quite interactive.
My interview was in early January - I was met by a current student and taken around. It was really obvious where I had to be and I even got free lunch (free Capri Sun was the highlight though). I remember being completely overawed and thinking I was probably way out of my depth. P.S. if you even get an interview you’re definitely not out of your depth in any way, sense or form.
I had a 1h written
In French, it was mainly a discussion of the text I’d been given beforehand, but also got onto Personal Statement stuff. I had to read a poem out loud in French, but otherwise there was no direct language testing. I’d mentioned I did philosophy+ethics in my personal statement and my interviewer (now
In German I was asked a bit more about my personal interests (I’d written down a couple of films I’d seen on my Personal Statement) and there was a bit where I had to speak in German. It was fairly basic stuff (think holidays/interests) but I’ve lived in Germany a year and it’s still not perfect, so don’t be too harsh on yourself. If you were perfect, there’d be no point of even being there - I made a lot of silly mistakes.
In general, both my interview experiences were stressful, but chill. They just want to see you’re interested, responsive and teachable - they want to see if you can listen and engage.
My school didn’t really prepare me at all for the interview and I always took things I read online with a pinch of salt. If you can contact
It’s impossible to know how it went!