Natural Sciences (Biological) @ Christ's, Cambridge in 2015

Interview format

2x interviews

Interview content

1st interview: cell biology; 2nd interview: physiology & chemistry

Best preparation

Know topics in detail rather than lots shallowly; practice interviews

Final thoughts

Not really

Remember this advice isn't official. There is no guarantee it will reflect your experience because university applications can change between years. Check the official Cambridge and Oxford websites for more accurate information on this year's application format and the required tests.

Also, someone else's experience may not reflect your own. Most interviews are more like conversations than tests and like, any conversation, they are quite interactive.

Interview Format

My interview was in early December. I had about two weeks notice before the interview happened. I arrived at the porters lodge and a friendly porter gave me clear directions to the applicants waiting room, where some 3rd year students chatted to us. I had two interviews, with a half-hour gap between them. My first interview was based on cell biology. The second interview was half chemistry, half physiology.

What happened in your interview? How did you feel?

In my first interview, the two interviewers started by asking me about my interests, before asking me questions that were based/expanded on things I would know from A levels. They helped me through the tasks and I was never left stuck in silence for a long time. I was gradually helped to work out the answer by myself.

In the second interview, I was first asked about the reasons I liked the college, I was then asked some chemistry questions which were quite relaxed and informal. In the physiology section, the interview brought out a skull and asked me to work out what animal it was from based on some facts that he gave me about it. I had not studied much physiology at school, so I was helped through it and it was a really interesting discussion.

How did you prepare?

Doing reading on one particular topic that interests you beforehand is definitely good preparation. The interviewers often start by asking you to talk about something you find interesting as a warm up. They will likely let you talk about anything so prepare one thing in a fair amount of detail and importantly talk about why you find it interesting. Quality is definitely better than quantity.

One of my teachers kindly organised several practice interviews for me, some with her and some with teachers from other schools, which was really helpful preparation. Practicing giving interviews with other students who are going through similar application processes also helped, as coming up with/answering questions was a good way to prepare for an interview setting.

Looking back, what advice would you give to your past self?

Not really