Interview Insights: Oxford

Here's our database of first-hand student interview experiences. You can also watch students talk about other aspects of university in our student videos.


St Hilda's (2017)

For music we had one interview based on harmony and basic piano skills, which only lasted for 15 mi…

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St Catherine's (2018)

My interviews started off with a general question about why I wanted to study music or about my per…

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Lincoln (2016)

I was given an extract from a book to read; I was also given two pieces of music to analyse and com…

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St Hilda's (2018)

I had 6 interviews, including a harmony test, plus an instrumental audition for me. However, most m…

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Worcester (2018)

I was given material before the interview (an essay on European music and various scores of music) …

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Somerville (2018)

We discussed pieces from musicology books - what I thought the writer was trying to say and what I …

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* Despite interviews being online this year, the experiences and advice from previous years will still be relevant.