Classics @ Brasenose, Oxford in 2015

Interview format

5x 15 min interviews, over 3 days

Interview content

Interview 1: CAT, English grammar, extra-curriculars; Interview 2: English poem given beforehand, philosophy; Interview 3: ancient literature and archaeology / history - personal statement; Interview 4: comparison of poems given beforehand, photo, text in personal statement; Interview 5: comparison of texts given beforehand, picture of mosaic

Best preparation

Looked at past papers online; revised English grammar; had open mind

Advice in hindsight


Final thoughts

Wider reading; talked to teachers; attended UNIQ; reread personal statement and written work. Think aloud!

Remember this advice isn't official. There is no guarantee it will reflect your experience because university applications can change between years. Check the official Cambridge and Oxford websites for more accurate information on this year's application format and the required tests.

Also, someone else's experience may not reflect your own. Most interviews are more like conversations than tests and like, any conversation, they are quite interactive.

Interview Format

Test taken: CAT

Number of interviews: 5

Skype interview: No

Interview spread: 3 on one day (11am-8pm), 1 the next day at a different college,1 the following day at a third college

Length of interviews: 15 minutes each

What happened in your interview? How did you feel?

Interview 1, at the Classics faculty, 2 interviewers: I was asked how I found the CAT, given a sheet with some English sentences and asked to talk about the grammar of them, and asked about extra curricular activities. This lasted 10 minutes, maximum. It was enjoyable as grammar is my strength. Being asked about non academic activities surprised me.

Interview 2, Brasenose (where I applied), 2 interviewers: I was asked questions on an English poem I was given 15 minutes beforehand, followed by a philosophy question. I was surprised that none of the content was explicitly classical and found the philosophy part very difficult.

Interview 3, Brasenose, 2 interviewers: I was asked personal statement questions on ancient literature and archaeology/history. I made some silly mistakes but my interviewers were very friendly and upbeat about it.

Interview 4, LMH, 3 interviewers (where I received a place): I was asked questions on two poems I was given 20 minutes beforehand, one of which I’d written about in my personal statement, and was then asked to compare them. I was given a photo and asked to interpret it. Then, I was asked to talk about any text mentioned on my personal statement. My interviewers made me feel entirely comfortable and seemed genuinely interested in my answers to their questions.

Interview 5, Regent’s Park: I was given a modernist poem and ancient text 10 mins beforehand. Then, I was asked to compare and analyse them. I was given a picture of a mosaic and asked to interpret it. This interview was awkward as I struggled to understand either of the sources.

How did you prepare?

I looked at past papers online, revised English grammar, and tried to have an open mind.

What advice do you have for future applicants?

Looking back, what advice would you give to your past self?

I did some wider reading of primary and secondary texts and arranged lunch time meetings with my classics teacher to discuss new topics in depth and practice interview style questions.

I applied to and attended UNIQ summer school and used the application advice I was given. I reread my personal statement and written work prior to interview.

I’d say in hindsight, it’s always better to think out loud than not saying anything for fear of being wrong. Ask for clarification if you need it, and take your time. Remember that they’re not trying to intimidate you - they want you to be comfortable and open.