
Last updated: 1ย year ago

Education is an interdisciplinary subject, which encompasses a wide range of approaches to look at the education systems and theories. At Cambridge, the Education degree is offered in three tracks.

Course Resources

Here are some general resources related to Education.


Overview ๐Ÿ”— This is the Education selection of the University undergraduate prospectus. The most important information about the course is here, including entry requirements, course structure, and prerequisites.

Faculty website ๐Ÿ”— This is the official Faculty webpage for prospective undergraduates, which links to various resources.

Unofficial Prospectus ๐Ÿ”— This is an unofficial prospectus put together by the Cambridge University Student Union; itโ€™s written based on studentsโ€™ perspectives and gives a better sense of what the day-to-day experience as an Education student is like, compared to official materials.

More things to explore

On the Cambridge Education course, you follow one of three tracks, studying Education alongside your chosen field of interest. The options are:

Education, Psychology and Learning

Education, Policy and International Development

Education, English, Drama and the Arts

These resources should introduce you to Education as a discipline, irrespective of which track you wish to follow.

The Guardian, Education stories ๐Ÿ”— Itโ€™s always useful to keep track of whatโ€™s going on in the world of education to consolidate key concepts and understanding.

'Miseducation: Inequality, education & the working classes' by Diane Reay - An exploration into social class and how it relates to education in the UK context. It addresses topics such as the history of education and social class in the UK and social mobility.

'Pedagogy of the Oppressed' by Paulo Freire - An exploration into the ways that education is used to dominate people and how through reform education can be used as way of allowing freedom for people. as it stands, education is a way of controlling peopleโ€™s thinking keep them โ€œcontentโ€ in their oppressive positions in society.

'Deschooling Society' by Ivan Illich - A criticism of the idea that schooling is the most effective way of education. Illich argues for a radical reform of education that allows for learning to occur through informal relationships.

CambTweet Education ๐Ÿ”— ๐ŸŒŸ Follow the daily life of a current Cambridge Education student through this Twitter account!

Application Resources

Reading Lists ๐Ÿ”— These are the reading lists for the papers that first-years take. Donโ€™t be intimidated by how long they are; theyโ€™re intended to be worked through over the course of a full academic year, and honestly no one reads everything anyway.

FAQ ๐Ÿ”— ๐ŸŒŸ Some useful answers to common questions about the application process.

InsideUni Education interview experiences ๐Ÿ”— ๐ŸŒŸ Current students talk about their interview experience, as well as sharing some tips. Weโ€™re biased, but we think theyโ€™re useful!